

Hm, hello bloggeys. Ah yeah, feel so lazy now.

15th of June was actually the gorgeous day ever. Well, 13th too, and so 14th.

13th -Dias, Frida came to my house to make a birthday present for Sonia's
14th -hung out w/ Dias, Frida, Sonia and Peni
15th -Graduation Party!!!!

So, I'll post pics about Graduation Party later. Yeah, Hmm, so lazy right now.

What I do now is playing some games on games.co.id LOL actually it makes sense, k? I like some games. But mostly, this holiday, I played a lot with games from Google Chrome Web Store. For free! But, not the full version of course. You know what games that rock a lot? "Plants VS Zombies", "The Fancy Pants Adventure: World 2" and "Angry Birds" THEY ARE TOTALLY COOL.

I obsessed with the full version of "Plants VS Zombies" cos I've done all the levels on the Not-Full-Version. I wanna plant more plants to get the zombies out!! (Sadly, I dont get the free download of the full version). About "Angry Birds" and "The Fancy Pants Adventure: World 2", I stuck on a level T_T

Eh? I just wanna post this pic. Optical Illusion actually. Maybe you've saw this pic. I like it a lot when the first time I saw it on games.co.id advertisement. And I searched about this lady. Well, hmm, this pic, woman spins around her leg, related to the "Left brain VS Right Brain"
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it. (http://www.perthnow.com.au/fun-games/left-brain-vs-right-brain/story-e6frg46u-1111114517613)

And, after that, I searched a lot of "Left VS Right Brain" Test. First test, said I good at Right. Next test I good at Left. Confusing. Labile. Is that because I AM a labile teenager and IT does affect all components in my life? Huh. Actually, this LIFE is a labile. Full of instability.

--> http://www.intelliscript.net/test_area/questionnaire/questionnaire.cgi
--> http://www.blogthings.com/areyourightorleftbrainedquiz/
--> http://www.wherecreativitygoestoschool.com/vancouver/left_right/rb_test.htm


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